Precis writing on Ancient history through..........Have a look at a map of the ancient world, if you can find one..............


   Have a look at a map of the ancient world, if you can find one. A map helps greatly. Without it, we can have no real idea of history. Indeed, to learn history one should have as many maps and as many pictures as possible; pictures of old buildings, ruins, and such other remains of those times as having come down. These pictures fill up the dry skeleton of history and make it live for us. History, if we are to learn anything from it, must be a succession of vivid images in our minds, so that when we read it, we can almost see events. Happening. It should be a fascinating play which grips us, a comedy sometimes, more often a tragedy, of which the stage is the world, and the players are the great men and women of the past. Pictures and maps help to open our eyes to the pageant of history. They should be within reach of every boy and girl. But better even than pictures is a personal visit to the ruins and remains of old history. It is not possible to see all of these, for they are spread out, all over the world. But we can always find some remains of the past within easy reach of us if we keep our eyes wide open. The big museums collect the smaller remains and relics. In India, there are plenty of remains of past history, but of the very ancient days, there are very few. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are perhaps the only instances so far.

Ancient history through pictures and ruins

 Ancient history through pictures and ruins

   Old maps and pictures of old ruins give us an idea of ancient history. They help us to imagine vividly the past events, both comic and tragic, in the lives of great men. A personal visit to the ruins and remains of old history is still more effective. One can have a look at some of these in the museums. The old relics of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa tell much about the ancient civilization of India.

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