Precis writing on Darwin's discovery on problems of the species. Darwin planned to write a book describing his discoveries........


   Darwin planned to write a book describing his discoveries. He spent nearly twenty years collecting the matter for this book, which was to deal with every known fact concerning the problems of the species. Unluckily for Darwin, a naturalist named Wallace had been thinking over the same problems and had reached the same solution. He sent Darwin an essay which almost word for word repeated Darwin's own ideas. Yet Wallace, who was an explorer, had been working far away in the Malay Archipelago, whilst Darwin had not left England for several years. The two naturalists decided not to quarrel for first place, and their discovery was published under both their names. Afterwards Wallace yielded the leadership to Darwin, in whom he recognised a greater naturalist than himself. In 1859 Darwin published the book he had planned for so many years. It was called the Origin of the Species. Never has a scientist, with one book, caused such a stir in the world as Darwin did with the Origin of the Species.


Darwin's discovery on problems of the species

   Darwin worked for nearly twenty years in England collecting materials for writing a book on his discoveries concerning the problems of the species. Simultaneously another naturalist named Wallace had been working in Malay on the same subject and his findings were also the same as Darwin's. But instead of competing with each other, they published their discovery in joint names. Wallace considered Darwin a greater naturalist and acknowledged his leadership in this matter. Darwing's book Origin of the Species containing his discoveries created a great sensation in the world. 

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