A man in the east where they do not require as much clothing as in colder climate | Precis - With Proper Format


    A man in the east where they do not require as much clothing as in colder climate, gave up all worldly concerns and retired to a wood. There he built a hut and lived in it. His only clothing was a piece of cloth which he put on round his waist. But as ill luck would have it, rats were plentiful in the wood; so he had to keep a cat. The cat required milk; so a cow had to be kept. The cow required tending; so a cow-boy was employed. The cow-boy required a house to live in; so a house was built for him. To look after the house, a maid had to be engaged. To provide company for the maid, a few more houses had to be built it and people were invited to live therein. In this way a little township sprang up.


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