Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper on the issue of bride burning | With proper format - OK Writing

The Editor,
The Statesman,
Kolkata - 700001


      Kindly allow me to express through the columns of your esteemed daily, my grave concern over the incidents of bride burning which have recently become a serious problem in our society. During the last few years, many innocent lives have been lost, and nobody knows how many more are suffering in mental agony. Bride burning is the tragic outcome of the dowry system-a social evil very peculiar to our country. Greed for money and consumer articles and a sense of false vanity drive the grooms and their parents to demand dowry from the brides' parents. And they think this to be a rightful and legitimate claim. Parents have to spend large sums of money to get their daughters married. Brides failing to meet the boys' demands at the time of marriage or afterward are subjected to severe mental and physical tortures which sometimes lead to bride burning.

    Bride burning is a severe crime and should be met with exemplary punishments. Dowry Prevention Act alone would not be able to eradicate this evil. What is needed is social awareness and a deep understanding of the duties and obligations associated with the institution of marriage. Marriage should not be taken as a bargaining exercise. Women should be educated properly so that they become conscious of their dignity and self-respect. Voluntary social organizations also have a great part to play in countering this great social menace.

24th October, 2022                                                                                                    Yours Faithfully,
                                                                                                                                      Gautam Chandra

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