Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper advocating the continuance of education through mother tongue | OK Writing

The Editor 
The Statesman
Kolkata-700 001


      Education should be imparted through the mother tongue. Students can easily learn a lesson delivered in their vernacular. It not only quickens the students' imagination but also develops their power of original thinking and understanding. Cultivation of the mother tongue has been seriously neglected by the imposition of English on us. It has discouraged all zest for learning. Instructions through a foreign language results in defective assimilation of the subject taught. Invariably it leads to cramming and unintelligent memorization. The students' power of thinking is naturally crippled. In a word, instruction imparted through a foreign language dwarfs and stunts the mental growth of the children. They can never feel at ease with a foreign tongue. The loss of time and energy involved is also enormous. It is, therefore, essential that the mother tongue should be the medium of education at the school level.

Palpara                                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
Krishnagar                                                                                                                            Swaroop Sen
24th May, 2004


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