Precis writing on The best way of helping others. It is much better to give hope and strength and courage than money...........


   It is much better to give hope and strength and courage than money. The best help is, not to bear the troubles of others for them, but to inspire them with courage and energy to bear their own burdens for themselves, and meet the difficulties of life bravely. So we must be careful not to destroy independence in our anxiety to relieve distress. There is always the danger lest whatever is done for men should make them more dependent instead of more independent. It is important, therefore, not so much to give a man bread, as to put him in the way of earning it for himself, not to give direct aid, but to help others to help themselves.

The best way of helping others
The best way of helping others


The best way of helping others

   It requires wise judgment to help others properly. Direct help kills the spirit of self-help and so does great harm to people. If instead, we inspire them with hope and courage, it will strengthen their mind and enable them to bear their burden themselves. Indeed, self-help is the best help, and we should inspire this spirit of self-help in persons distressed.

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