Precis writing on The lion and mouse. Once a little mouse, while playing, ran across a sleeping lion's face. The lion.................


   Once a little mouse, while playing, ran across a sleeping lion's face. The lion awoke in anger and caught the mouse in his paw. The mouse begged for pardon. It said, “I am very sorry. Please pardon and spare my life. One day, perhaps I may help you.” The lion laughed but pardoned the mouse. So the mouse thanked him and ran away in joy. One day after this, the lion was caught in a net by some hunters. He roared loudly in rage. The mouse heard the roar and went to the lion. The lion was strong, but could not break the net. The mouse first cut one rope and then another, and soon the lion was free.

The lion and mouse
The lion and mouse


The lion and mouse

Once, a mouse disturbed a lion in his sleep. The lion caught the mouse and was going to kill it, but it begged for pardon and was let go. Shortly after, the lion was caught in a strong net. Hearing his roar, the mouse came there and cut the ropes with its teeth. The lion became free.

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