Precis writing on The impartiality of George Washington. General Washington, President of the United States of America, had a.......


   General Washington, President of the United States of America, had a friend who had fought with him in the war against the British and was almost his daily companion. A lucrative office, in the gift of the President, chancing to fall vacant, many thought that this gentleman would have no difficulty in obtaining it. Another candidate for the post appeared. He was a political opponent of Washington, but a man of decided honesty, and of great talents for business. Everyone considered the case of the second man hopeless. But, to the surprise of all, the opponent of Washington was appointed to the office.

The impartiality of George Washington
The impartiality of George Washington


 The impartiality of George Washington

   Once a very profitable post at the disposal of President Washington of the United States of America fell vacant. There were two candidates: one was a very intimate and old friend of the President, while the other was a political opponent, but honest, and possessed great talents for business. The honest and impartial Washington gave the post to the latter.

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