Precis writing on School and college life. Man cannot reckon exactly the nature of a thing unless he...........


   Man cannot reckon exactly the nature of a thing unless he is away from it. To a student, life at school seems to be one thing when he is a student there. But it is something different when he becomes a college student. The difference becomes striking only when a pupil is outside the school. What strikes each pupil is the absence of any freedom in school life. Pupils are compelled to learn things on pain of caning. They are forced to practise discipline. The teachers are their guardians at school. At home their parents are their guardians. All other superiors are semi-guardians. The students are under the pressure of guidance and advice of so many well-wishers. They are also pressed down by the weight and pressure of text books. At college each pupil breathes an atmosphere of freedom. It is never equivalent to licence or want of restraint. For their lessons they are left to themselves. Here no teacher seeks to act as their guardians. Here students learn self-help and self-reliance. They do everything on their own initiative.

School life and college life
School life and college life


 School life and college life

   A student while at school does not have much freedom. He is compelled to learn his lessons and practise discipline under the watchful eyes of his teachers and guardians. He has to be regular in attendance and is pressed down by the weight and pressure of text books. But at college he breathes a sigh of relief- no watching eyes, no guardians, no strict orders. Here he enjoys an atmosphere of freedom he is his own guardian. He minds his own lessons and learns self-help-reliance.

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