Precis writing on Animals and people. I came in contact with animals far more in prison than I............


   I came in contact with animals far more in prison than I had done outside. I had always been fond of dogs, and had kept some, but I could never look after them properly as other matters claimed my attention. In prison I was grateful for their company. Indians do not, as a rule, approve of animals as household pets. It is remarkable that in spite of their general philosophy of non-violence to animals, they are often singularly careless and unkind to them. Even the cow, that favoured animal, though looked up to and almost worshipped by many Hindus and often the cause of riots, is not treated kindly. Worship and kindness do not always go together.

   Different countries have adopted different animals as symbols of their ambition or character the eagle of the United State of America and of Germany, the lion and bulldog of England, the fighting cock of France, the bear of old Russia. How far do those patron animals mould national character? Most of them are aggressive, fighting animals, beasts of prey. It is not surprising that the people who grow up with these examples before them should mould themselves consciously after them and take up aggressive attitudes, and roar, and prey on others. Nor is it surprising that the Hindu should be mild and non-violent for his patron animal is the cow.

Animals and people

                                         Animals and people


Animals and people

   A great lover of dogs, the writer enjoyed the company of the pet dogs very much in his lonely cell in prison. According to him, Indians generally do not like animals as household pets; they are very careless and unkind to them. Even the cow, worshipped by the Hindus, is treated badly. Different animals symbolise the characters or ambitions of different countries. The eagle of the United States of America and Germany, the lion and bull dog of England, the fighting cock of France and the bear of old Russia-all are fighting animals and they have molded the nature of the people of these countries to be aggressive. Similarly, the quiet natured cow has made the Hindu mild and non-violent.

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