Precis writing on make your home lively. The family, like the house in which we live, needs to be kept in repair.............


   The family, like the house in which we live, needs to be kept in repair, lest some little rift in the walls should appear and let in the wind and rain. The happiness of a family depends very much on attention to little things. Order, pleasant comfort, regularity, cheerfulness, good taste, these are the ornaments of life, deprived of which it degenerates into a wearisome routine. There must be brightness and cheerful smiles in the dwelling. Home is not usually the place of toil, but the place to which we return, and rest from our labours; in which parents and children meet together and pass a careless and joyful hour. To have nothing to say to others at such times, in any rank of life, is a very unfortunate temper of mind, and may perhaps be regarded as a serious fault; at any rate, it makes the house vacant and joyless.

How to make your home lively
How to make your home lively


 How to make your home lively

   Home is the place for peace and rest at the end of the day's labour. But the happiness of a house depends upon little things such as order, regularity, cheerfulness and pleasant conversation. Without these the home becomes dull and cheerless. So, it will be unfortunate if a man has no pleasant word to say to others. It may ultimately spoil the happiness of the whole family.

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