Precis writing on Proper use of wealth. While wealth is a great factor for ensuring happiness of human life, it is............


   While wealth is a great factor for ensuring happiness of human life, it is easily liable to be employed by one set of people against others. Besides, wealth has a tendency to concentrate in the hands of a few, with the result that the rich become richer and the poor poorer. In the existing conditions of society we find that there are classes of people who are miserable and unhappy, while there are others who are rich, well-fed and comfortable. Such differences in economic conditions are mainly due to the wrong distribution of wealth in the society. In considering the welfare of the society, we must not refer to individual fortunes or conditions of life. By human welfare we are to mean the greatest good of the greatest number.


Proper use of wealth
Proper use of wealth


Proper use of wealth

   Wealth is no doubt necessary for happiness in life. But it generally gets into the hands of a few only at the cost of the general body of men in society. The result is, the rich become richer and the poor poorer. This is certainly a misuse of wealth. It should be fairly distributed among all, so that it may bring happiness to the greatest number of people.

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