Precis writing on The horrors of a future war. All through history, there have been wars, yet mankind has survived, developed.............


   All through history, there have been wars, yet mankind has survived, developed, and become civilized in spite of them. But unfortunately, as part of his development, man has learned to tap the hidden forces of our planet and use them for his purposes. Now, if his purposes are those of destruction, each fresh advance in his mastery of nature only increases the danger of war, as men learn to destroy one another in ever more varied and ingenious ways. Man has now discovered how to release the forces locked up in the atom. In consequence, the leading nations of the world are now making atom bombs which would almost certainly be widely used. Nobody knows what the effect of dropping such bombs on a large scale would be, but it is quite possible that the total destruction of the world and its civilization might ensure. As somebody has jokingly remarked, in the next war men will fight with atom bombs, and in the war after that with bows and arrows.


 The horrors of a future war

   There have been wars all through history, yet man has progressed. But there has been a change in the situation. Man has now learned to use the forces of nature for his own purposes. The danger is, that he may use this knowledge for destruction. Some great powers are making atom bombs, and they will be certainly used in a future war. This will result in the destruction of civilization and the return of man to the primitive stage.

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