Precis writing on Choice of friends in early life. Young people naturally seek the society of those of their own age. But................


   Young people naturally seek the society of those of their own age. But be careful in choosing your companions and lay down a rule, to be strictly followed that no youth, no man ought to be called your friend, who is addicted to indecent talk or who is fond of low society. Either of these argues a depraved taste and even a depraved heart; an absence of all principle and trust-worthiness and I have remarked it all my life long, that young men addicted to these vices, never succeed in the end, whatever advantage they may have, whether in fortune or in talent. Fond mothers and fathers are but too apt to be over-lenient to such offenders; and as long as youth lasts and fortune smiles, the punishment is deferred; but it comes at last; it is sure to come and the gay and dissolute youth is a dejected and miserable man.

Choice of friends in early life
Choice of friends in early life


 Choice of friends in early life

   Young men with mean company and a liking for vulgarities eventually develop a low mentality without any principle or sense of decency. In spite of their fortune or talent, they can never achieve success in life. Lenient parental indulgence leads them to their ultimate doom. One should never befriend such young men.

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