Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper highlighting the inconveniences caused by water-logging in some parts of your locality during the rains

The Editor, 
The Statesman,
Kolkata 700001


      The residents of Central Park at Jadavpur shudder to think of the miseries awaiting them in the coming months. There is no proper road drainage system in this area. With the onset of the monsoon, the roads in the locality become waterlogged. They turn into virtual water pools after a shower. Ruts and potholes add to the miseries. With such water logging, repair work of the roads can hardly be taken up. The roads become so dangerous that it becomes impossible to walk on them. The children and the old people are the worst sufferers. Rickshaws and taxis are most unwilling to ply on these roads. The residents of the area are thus put to great inconveniences. Repeated appeals to the municipal authorities have borne no result. What is needed is the construction of roadside drains leading to some outfall. Through your column, I once again appeal to the authorities to take action for removing this water logging.

5th March, 2022                                                                                                                   Your faithfully, 
The Daily Telegraph                                                                                                                   P. Roy

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