Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper commenting on frequent traffic dislocations in Kolkata and giving some concrete suggestions for improvement

The Editor 
The Telegraph.
Kolkata-700 001


      Traffic jams and dislocation of traffic have become a regular feature of Kolkata life. An explosion in population and vehicular traffic without any corresponding increase in road capacity has brought the city to such a mess. Almost every day long processions are brought out in the main thoroughfares. These dislocate the traffic and put people at severe inconveniences. Trams, buses, and cars come to a grinding halt and commuters look on helplessly. Everyone is affected, the ladies and children are the worst sufferers. Even ambulance vans and fire brigade vehicles are not spared. They are very often late in arriving at the hospitals or the affected spots. People miss trains and scheduled flights. In short, normal city life stands paralyzed.

    The problem should be faced on a war footing. Stringent enforcement of traffic rules and heavy penalties for violations should be enforced. Plying of commercial vehicles through the main thoroughfares should be totally banned during day time. To prevent heavy lorries from entering the city, truck terminals should be established on the outskirts of the city. Restrictions should be imposed on processions and public demonstrations prohibiting them to come out on the main roads. Processions, if at all permitted on the main roads, must move in a single file keeping the other half open to traffic. Hawkers must be removed from pavements. The above measures, if implemented properly, will go a long way in alleviating the suffering of the people.

5/1B, Stephen House 
B.B.D. Bag                                                                                                                         Yours faithfully,
Kolkata-700 001                                                                                                                  Nirmal Bajpai
6th October, 2004

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