Precis writing on Writer wins the esteem. I now, therefore, pursued a course of uninterrupted frugality...............


   I now, therefore, pursued a course of uninterrupted frugality, seldom wanted a dinner, and was consequently invited to party. I soon began to get the character of a saving hunks that had money, and insensibly grew into esteem. Neighbours have asked my advice in the disposal of their daughters, and I have taken care not to give any. I have contracted a friendship with an alderman, only by observing that if we take a farthing from a thousand pounds, it will be a thousand pounds no longer. I am now actually upon a treaty of marriage a rich widow, by observing that the price of bread was rising. If ever I am asked a question, whether I know it or not, instead of answering, I only smile and look wise. If a charity is proposed, I go about with the hat, but put nothing in myself. If a wretch solicits my pity, I observe that the world is filled with impostors, and take a certain method of not being deceived, by never relieving. In short, I now find the truest way of finding esteem, even from the indigent, is to give away nothing and thus have much in your power to give.


 How the writer came to win the esteem of everybody

   The writer began to practice extreme frugality and soon won general esteem as a sage and rich man. If a charity was suggested, he would go about collecting funds but pay nothing himself. He would console a man cheated by remarking that the world was full of cheats, but would not do anything for his relief. If anybody asked him any question, he answered it only with a smile and looked wise. Even a rich widow contracted to marry him on his remark that the price of bread was rising. In short, he had realized that the best way to win esteem even from the poor was to give away nothing and thus have much to give.

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