Precis writing on The test of educated man. The first thing needed in education is thoroughness of knowledge.............


   The first thing needed in education is thoroughness of knowledge. The variety of subjects of study which are offered to us in modern times, the many new sciences and branches of science which have been opened out to us within the last century, the natural eagerness of youth to sip, one after another, at the beautiful flowers which grow richly in the garden of learning, all tend to tempt young men to superficiality and turn them aside from depth. If you measure the result of the education which a man received not only by the number of topics upon which he talks fluently in ordinary society, but by the number of those of which he has a real grasp, not by the books he has read, but by those he has digested, not by the facts which he has laid up in his memory, but by the accuracy of his judgment, the strength of his reasoning powers, and the force of his intellect you will soon be convinced that more real mental training is to be derived from the thorough study of a single subject than from the skin-deep acquaintance with a hundred sciences.

The test of an educated man
The test of an educated man


The test of an educated man

   Students have now to read a large number of subjects. This encourages superficiality. No education is worth the name unless it is thorough. Indeed, the test of an educated man is not the number of books he has read or the number of topics he can talk on in ordinary society, but his depth of knowledge and soundness of judgment. So it is better to study a single subject thoroughly than to gain mere acquaintance with many subjects.

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