Precis writing on pleasure of giving. It is sometime said that the pleasure of giving is peculiar to..............


   It is sometime said that the pleasure of giving is peculiar to the rich, and no doubt, this pleasure is one of the greatest and purest which wealth can bestow. Still the poor also may be liberal and generous. The widow's mite so far at least as the widow is concerned, counts for as much as the rich man's gold. Moreover, as regards kindness and sympathy which are far more valuable than money, the poor can give as much as, perhaps even more than, the rich. Money is not wealth. There are those whom we look down upon as poor who may be in reality as rich as any millionaire. That which is of most value in life is exactly that which can be neither bought nor sold. A proverb says "A man's true wealth is the good he does in the world." When he dies, men will ask what property he has left behind him, but angels will enquire, "What good deeds hast thou sent before thee?

The pleasure of giving
The pleasure of giving


The pleasure of giving

   The pleasure of giving is not limited to the rich. The poor man's gift may be cheap: but it is possible that it is given with greater kindness and sympathy, which really determines its value. The man, rich in spirit, is richer than any millionaire. A man will be finally judged, not by the richness of his legacy, but the amount of good he has done.

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