Precis writing on Influence of machines......What is a machine? It is a big tool to help man to do his work..............


   What is a machine? It is a big tool to help man to do his work. Man has been called a tool-making animal, and from his earliest days he has made tools and tried to better them. His supremacy over the other animals, many of them more powerful than he was, was established because of his tools. The tool was an extension of his hand, or you may call it a third hand. The machine was the extension of the tool. The tool and the machine raised man above the brute creation. They freed human society from the bondage of Nature. With the help of the tool and the machine, man found it easier to produce things. He produced more, and yet had more leisure. And this resulted in the progress of the arts of civilization, and of thought and science. But the big machine and all its allies have not been unmixed blessings. If the machine has encouraged the growth of civilization, it has also encouraged the growth of barbarism by producing terrible weapons of warfare and destruction. If it has produced abundance, this abundance has not been mainly for the masses, but chiefly for the limited few. It has made the difference between the luxury of the very rich and the poverty of the poor, even greater than it was in the past. Instead of being the tool and servant of man, it has been presumed to become his master.

Influence of machines on modern civilization
Influence of machines on modern civilization


Influence of machines on modern civilization

   Initially, the man started using tools to do his work. This established his supremacy over other more powerful animals. The use of tools led to the invention of machines by which man could produce more and yet had enough time for studies of arts and science. Machines found application in both human welfare and warfare. It helped not only in the growth of civilization but also in the destruction of mankind by producing weapons for warfare. It has produced abundance for a few, leaving the masses still poorer. Machines now appear to be monsters, not the slave, of man.

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