Precis writing on The duty of cooperation and......In one of our old Sanskrit books there is a verse which can be...........


   In one of our old Sanskrit books there is a verse which can be translated as follows: "For the many sacrifice the individual, for the community the family, for the country the community, and for the soul the whole world." The lesson that this Sanskrit verse teaches us is the lesson of cooperation and sacrifice for the larger good. We in India had forgotten this sovereign path to real greatness for many a day, and so we had fallen. But again we seem to have glimpses of it, and the whole country is astir. How wonderful it is to see men and women, and boys and girls, smilingly going ahead in India's cause and not caring about any pain or suffering! Well may they smile and be glad, for the joy of serving in a great cause is theirs. To free India is a great thing, but even greater is the cause of humanity itself. And because we feel that our struggle is a part of the great human struggle to end suffering and misery, we can rejoice that we are doing our bit to help the progress of the world.


The duty of cooperation and sacrifice for the larger good

   There is a Sanskrit saying that teaches us the lesson of sacrifice for the higher good. We Indians long neglected this lesson. But our men and women have begun following it again. They have been bearing pain and suffering for their country with smiling faces. In this way, they are serving all humanity too, because our struggle is only a part of the struggle of mankind for an end of human suffering and misery.

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