Precis writing on Newton and his dog. Did you ever hear the story of Newton, and his little dog Diamond? One................


   Did you ever hear the story of Newton, and his little dog Diamond? One day when he was fifty years old, and had been hard at work more than twenty years studying the theory of light, he went out of his chamber, leaving his little dog asleep before the fire. On the table lay a heap of manuscript papers, containing all the discoveries which Newton had made during those twenty years. When his master was gone, up rose little Diamond, jumped upon the table and overthrew the lighted candle. The papers immediately caught fire. Just as the destruction was completed, Newton opened the chamber door, and perceived that the labours of twenty years were reduced to a heap of ashes There stood little Diamond, the author of all the mischief. Almost any other man would have sentenced the dog to immediate death. But Newton patted him on the head with his usual kindness although grief was at his heart. “O Diamond, Diamond”, exclaimed he, “thou little knowest the mischief thou hast done.”


 Newton and his little dog Diamond

   One day, when Newton was fifty years old, he went out of his chamber, leaving his little dog asleep before the fire. On the table lay heaps of papers containing his discoveries during twenty years. When he was gone, the dog jumped upon the table. The lighted candle was overturned and the papers were burned. Newton returned shortly after. Though greatly grieved heart, he gently patted the dog with his usual kindness, saying that it did not know the mischief it had done.

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