Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper About the present sorry state of affairs in the government hospitals | OK Writing

The Editor
The Telegraph
Calcutta 700001


      Of late, all the newspapers are full of criticism of the pitiable condition of government hospitals in W. Bengal. They express concern about the unfortunate people who languish in hospitals and die unattended. The standard of services in hospitals has gone down so low that people now choose to go to hospitals as a last resort.

    The hospitals now are embodiments of inefficiency, corruption, and callousness. The outdoor patients have to wait indefinitely before they are attended to by the physicians. The foods served to the patients are of poor quality. Dogs sharing beds with patients are a common scene in hospitals. Beds are always dirty. Very few doctors and trained nurses are available to attend to the patients. Life-saving drugs are almost nonexistent. The atmosphere all around the hospitals is unhygienic.

    To improve the overall situation, Government should employ more physicians and trained nurses in the hospitals. Outdoor departments should have more doctors. More beds and modern equipment should be installed to bring immediate relief to the patients. Sufficient and healthy food has to be served to all patients. Last but not the least, a strict sense of discipline has to be enforced amongst the hospital staff.

12, S.P. Mukerjee Road
 Kolkata - 700026                                                                                                                    Yours truly, 
 30th October, 2001.                                                                                                              Partha Sarkar

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