Precis writing on Unemployment problem of the educated youths. Now a days many educated youths of the middle class in our country........


   Now a days many educated youths of the middle class in our country are out of employment for want of service. The principal reason for his unemployment problem is the fact that the number of educated men is gradually increasing, and yet all the educated men hanker after service. Many are incapable of physical labor necessary for agricultural and industrial workers because they are not used to it. Many again having some prejudice are unwilling to do such work. But what is more humiliating than idleness? In fact, if this false idea of social honor is not rejected and a conviction of the dignity of labor is not established, there can be no real solution to the unemployment problem. There is indeed no humiliation in any work whatsoever. Humiliation lies in idleness and hanging on others. Labour has always the dignity. If a man works in the field, sows the seeds, and reaps the harvest, he will command everybody's respect.

Unemployment problem of the educated youths
Unemployment problem of the educated youths


 Unemployment problem of the educated youths

   The problem of educated unemployment is chiefly caused by the ever-increasing number of educated youths. They are mostly averse to manual labour. Service and not the physical labour required in agricultural or industrial work is their first preference: Having no respect for the dignity of labour, they think that doing manual work is below their dignity.

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