Precis writing on Prevention of Malaria. Malaria is caused by a germ that grows in the patient's blood.............


  Malaria is caused by a germ that grows in the patient's blood. When a mosquito bites a man who has malaria, it sucks up into its stomach some of the man's blood. There are malaria germs in his blood, and when the mosquito bites another man, it injects into his body some of those malaria germs, and this soon results in an attack of fever. But not all mosquitoes carry malaria. The malaria mosquito can be distinguished by the appearance of its body and by its position when standing on something. To prevent the spread of malaria, all is necessary to do is to destroy the mosquitoes. The most effective way is to prevent their birth. Mosquitoes do not grow in flowing water. So ponds and ditches should be properly drained. It is also useful to spread kerosene oil on the surface of the water. The use of DDT in rooms has proved to be very useful.

Prevention of Malaria
Prevention of Malaria


Prevention of Malaria

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease. It is transmitted by a vector with its sucking sting. To prevent malaria mosquito breeding should be minimized. Stagnant water in ditches and pots should be cleared. The use of kerosene and DDT have proved to fruit full in curbing mosquito breeding.

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