Precis writing on Kindness of Vidyasagar. Vidyasagar was a man of great charity. Here is an instance. One..............


   Vidyasagar was a man of great charity. Here is an instance. One day on his way home he came across a Brahmin who seemed to be in great distress. He was so struck with his appearance of sorrow that he asked him what the matter was. At first the Brahmin would say nothing. But on being repeatedly pressed, he at last said that he had borrowed some money for his daughter's marriage. As he had not been able to repay the loan on due date, the lender had filed a case against him. He would soon be turned out of his home. Vidyasagar asked the Brahmin's name and all about the case against him and then went away. Next day Vidyasagar went to the court, made inquiries, and paid down the whole amount, asking the judge not to tell his name. How great must have been the Brahmin's joy when he came to know this. How he must have blessed his unknown benefactor!


 Kindness of Vidyasagar

   Once Vidyasagar met a Brahmin who had borrowed some money for his daughter's marriage. And being unable to pay the loan in time, he was about to be turned out from his house by his creditors. The next day Vidyasagar went to the court, paid up the debt, and asked the judge not to disclose his name. Being relieved of the misfortune, the Brahmin must have blessed the unknown benefactor.

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