Mankind in general is not sufficiently acquainted with the import of the word justice. It is commonly believed to consist only in a performance of those duties which the laws of society can oblige. This, I allow is sometimes the import of this word, and in this sense, justice is distinguished from equity. But there is justice still more extensive, and which can be shown to embrace all the virtues united. Justice may be defined to be that virtue that impels us to give to every person what is his due.
In this extended sense of the word, it comprehends the practice of every virtue that reason prescribes or society should expect. Our duty to our maker, to each other, and to ourselves are fully answered if we give them what we owe them. Thus justice, properly speaking, is the only virtue, all the rest have their origin in it.
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The meaning of Justice |
The meaning of Justice
Justice, as it is commonly understood, means the fulfillment of responsibilities permitted by society and in this sense, it is different from fairness. But justice in the broadest sense means the quality of giving to everyone. It includes one's duty to God and to society and all other qualities.