Precis writing on Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Every man, be he rich or poor, is fond of building castles in the air............


   Every man, be he rich or poor, is fond of building castles in the air. The poor man dreams of prosperity, the rich man of increasing wealth. Nor need we wonder at this, for all men are forever under the magic spell of hope. As the poet has written: Hope springs eternal in the human breast. In youth it blooms like a flower, delicate and fragrant, shedding over the golden years of childhood the sweetness of its perfume. To the old, it offers strength in hours of weariness. But the air is an unstable element; castles in the air are worse than houses built on sand. They are frail structures, more delicate than a spider's web,


 Hope springs eternal in the human breast

   Hope sustains and inspires every man, young and old, rich or poor. Under its influence children dream of a bright future, poor men dream of prosperity, and even the rich dream of greater wealth. But these dreams are often as unreal as castles in the air that disappear more quickly than houses built on sand.

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