Precis writing on Prompt action brings result. The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he.............


   The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he will do first will do neither. The man who resolves, but suffers his resolution to be changed by the first counter-suggestion of a friend-who fluctuates from opinion to opinion, from plan to plan, and veers like a weather-cock to every point of the compass, with every breath of caprice that blows can never accomplish anything great or useful. It is only the man who first consults wisely, then resolves firmly, and then executes the purpose with inflexible perseverance, undismayed by those petty difficulties which daunt a weaker spirit, that can advance to any line. Take your course wisely, but firmly; and having taken it, hold upon it with heroic resolution, and the Alps and the Himalayas will sink before you. 


Prompt action brings result

   The man who always hesitates too much and changes his decision at counter suggestions, cannot achieve anything. Success comes only through firm and wise decisions taken against all odds.

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