It is only the poor who really and truly feel for the poor. They alone know each other's sufferings and each other's need of sympathy and kindness. The charity of the rich is nothing compared with the charity of the poor. In seasons of sickness, of distress, the poor are each other's comforters and supporters, to an extent that, among better circles, is never dreamt of. Contented to toil on, from day to day, for a scanty sum, they are ready to spare when a brother is in want or distress. Nor is there wanting some friendly hand to smooth the pillow, or do all those little kindly offices which make sickness and suffering tolerable. The women of the poorer classes are, in this respect, especially devoted and untiring. They make sacrifices and bear hardships and exercise patience and kindness to a degree that the world never knows of and would scarcely believe even if it did know.